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Apple is a good source of fiber

Why fiber is important in the diet?

To maintain a healthy body, you need to consume a nutritious diet. A crucial nutrient that is normally ignored is fiber. Fiber has lots of health benefits, and it is important in the diet. Fiber is simply a term for carbohydrates that your gut is unable to break down. This article reviews more about fiber, its health benefits and why it’s important.

Amino acid very important for body

Know the Role of Amino Acids in the Body

Proteins are made up of molecules called amino acids, which are also known as the “building blocks of proteins,” play a variety of vital functions in your body. You require amino acids for essential functions like producing hormones, neurotransmitters, and proteins. This article will explain more about amino acids, and how they work.

Vitamin A very useful for health

Unveiling the Power of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an essential fat-soluble vitamin. It supports the development of the fetus as well as your immune system, vision, and reproductive system. Your body needs vitamin A to function properly. In addition to being found naturally in food, it can also be taken as supplements. This article discusses vitamin A, including its benefits, sources, and recommended intake, toxic and deficiency consequences.