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  • 15 Natural Ways To Maintain Your Liver Healthy
Healthy liver

15 Natural Ways To Maintain Your Liver Healthy

Liver health is essential for overall health, however it is important to follow natural ways to maintain your liver healthy. If your liver is not functioning properly, it can lead to liver diseases and metabolic disorders. While it may not be possible to control all risk factors, eating and drinking certain foods and beverages can help protect your liver. For example, eating oatmeal, drinking green tea, eating berries, consuming olive oil, and consuming garlic can all help protect the liver.

Your liver is one of the most important organs in your body. It helps to filter toxins and waste from the blood, controls hormones, and makes proteins that are necessary for the body to function. Unfortunately, most of us don’t pay enough attention to our liver health. The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. So here’s a list of ways to avoid liver disease. Some of them are healthy behaviors you might do anyway. Others may never have occurred to you.

Natural ways to maintain your liver healthy
Natural ways to maintain your liver healthy

15 Natural ways to maintain your liver healthy:

1. Hydration

If you want to keep your liver healthy, you need to make sure you’re drinking enough water. Hydration helps your body flush out unwanted toxins that could otherwise seriously damage your liver function. If you skip drinking water, it can lead to dangerous toxic build-ups in your body that can have serious consequences for your liver health. Water plays a vital role in your body. It helps your body get rid of harmful toxins while keeping your liver healthy. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, but you can do better if you carry a water bottle with you everywhere you go and drink water while you eat.

2. Eat a balanced diet

The health of our liver depends heavily on the food we eat. Eating a healthy and balanced diet is essential for maintaining liver health. Fruits and vegetables from every color of the rainbow will help you get all your nutrients and fiber needs. Refined carbohydrates like white bread and doughnuts should be avoided. Instead, whole-grain grains, breads and cereals should be your go-to.

A little meat, dairy and fat can help, but not too much. Look for “good” fats like those found in seeds, nuts and fish. Avoid high-calorie foods, saturated fats, refined carbs (like white bread and white rice) and sugar. For a balanced diet, you can get your fiber from fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, rice and grains.

Cutting down on processed foods and alcohol consumption can help keep your liver healthy. Excess fat in your liver can lead to fatty liver. It is important to avoid or limit foods that can harm your liver.

A balance food keeps liver healthy
A balance food keeps liver healthy

3. Maintain a healthy weight

Achieving a healthy BMI (body mass index) of 18 to 25 is the goal. There are many online calculators to help you determine your number. The best way to maintain a healthy weight is through regular exercise and a balanced diet. If you are overweight or obese, you may be at risk of developing a fatty liver. Losing weight can play a significant role in reducing liver fat. Your doctor will work with you to set a weight loss goal that will benefit your entire body in the long run

4. Check for Liver problems

This is especially important if you have a history of heavy drinking or liver disease in your family. Early treatment can help, and you may not have symptoms right away. Liver problems can range from mild to severe and can have life-threatening consequences if left untreated. Fatty liver disease is caused by the accumulation of fat in your liver. It can be caused by being overweight, having high cholesterol or diabetes, or by a sedentary lifestyle.

You need to be in control of your lifestyle to prevent or treat this condition. Hepatitis is caused by inflammation of your liver. There are several types of hepatitis, including hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis E, and hepatitis Y. Acute hepatitis illness is caused by hepatitis A and hepatitis E. Vaccines are available for hepatitis A, hepatitis E and hepatitis B, and treatments are available for hepatitis C and hepatitis D.

Cirrhosis is a condition that affects many people. It causes scar tissue to form in your liver cells, which replaces healthy cells and makes them inefficient. This can be caused by alcohol abuse, hepatitis, or other causes. You need to see a doctor right away if you have this condition.

5. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise can help maintain your body mass index (BMI) at the correct level, which can help protect you from non-alcohol fatty liver disease (NFTLD). Even if your BMI does not change, exercise can still help you prevent NFTLD. This is because regular exercise changes the way your insulin works, and it also burns triglycerides (a type of fat found in your blood). When you exercise regularly, you burn triglycerides as fuel, which can also help reduce your liver fat.

Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health and looking after your liver. It helps to reduce fat build-up, improves overall liver function, and minimizes inflammation. Making exercise a part of your daily routine can be as simple as taking a walk, doing yoga, or even lifting weights. It’s important to remember that even small amounts of physical activity can have a big impact on your liver health.

Exercise helps liver healthy
Exercise helps liver healthy

6. Drink Only in Moderation

When you drink alcohol, your liver stops working to break down the alcohol so it can remove it from your bloodstream. If you drink more than 4 ounces of alcohol a day for women and 2 ounces a day for men, it can cause significant damage to your liver. Over time this can lead to “fatty liver,” an early indication of disease. It can also cause bad bacteria in your gut to grow and travel to your liver to cause damage. Alcohol can cause a variety of health issues. It damages or destroys liver cells and can scar your liver. You should consult your doctor about the right amount of alcohol for you.

7. Take Your Meds Right

The most common side effect with acetaminophen is liver damage, but there are other medications that can cause liver damage, especially if you do not take them as prescribed. Factors such as genetics, other medications, and diet can also play a role. Talk to your physician if you experience symptoms such as tiredness, nausea, itching, or discoloration of the skin or eyes (yellowing) after taking a new medication. Other medications that may cause liver damage include statins for high cholesterol levels and certain antibiotics (such as amoxicillin, Clindamycin, and Erythromycin).

8. Wash Your Hands

It’s a quick and easy way to prevent hepatitis A from entering your liver. All you need is a bar of soap and some warm water. It’s especially important to use it right before eating or after changing a baby’s diaper or going to the restroom. You can get hepatitis A by touching contaminated food or drinking water with your hands. Use soap and water right after using the restroom, changing a baby’s nappies, and before eating or preparing food.

Always wash your hands before you eat
Always wash your hands before you eat

9. Avoid Toxins

Cleaning products, aerosols, and insecticides, as well as chemicals and additives, should all be avoided. When using aerosols, it is important to keep the room well-ventilated and wearing a mask. Smoking should also be avoided.

Liver cleansing and detoxifying can help remove toxins from your body and support your liver health. However, it is important to be cautious when trying to cleanse your liver. Most of the products on the market are either dangerous or have no effective results. There are many natural ways to clean your liver. One of the easiest and most effective is to drink lemon water. It is packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants which help in detoxifying your liver.

Consuming moderate amounts of coffee (not too much sugar or whitening agents) can help your liver health. Giloy can cause immune related hepatitis, so it is important to limit your intake of it. It is important to consult with your liver specialist before beginning any liver cleansing / detox process to assess any potential harm and medication interactions. Being aware that your liver is a vulnerable organ requires caution.

10. Avoid contaminated Needles

If you or a loved one has taken illegal drugs, it is important to get a hepatitis C test. Hepatitis C can be spread through blood, so it is also important to get a blood test if you have had an unintentional needle stick. The blood test will tell you if you have ever had hepatitis C. Dirty needles are not the only thing to worry about when it comes to drug use. It is important to consult with a medical professional and seek testing after any kind of skin penetration that involves sharp tools or needles. It is also important to use clean needles when getting tattoos or piercings.

11. Get Vaccinated

If you have hepatitis A or hepatitis B, you can get it. However, if you have hepatitis C, you may not be able to get it. Most children and adults have been vaccinated. If you are unsure if you need to get vaccinated, talk to your doctor. Vaccination is especially important if you have a weakened immune system or if your liver has already begun to show signs of damage.

12. Practice safe sex

You want to make sure you and your partner are protected from sexually transmitted diseases, many of which can cause liver damage. One of these is hepatitis C, which infects the liver directly and can cause severe liver damage over time. Many people don’t even know they have hepatitis C until years later when most of the damage is done. Your physician can test to determine if you have hepatitis C.

13. Get medical care if you’re exposed to blood

If you come in contact with anyone else’s blood for any reason, consult your doctor right away. If you are seriously worried, visit your local hospital emergency department.

14. Don’t share personal hygiene items

For instance, a razor, toothbrush or nail clipper can contain tiny amounts of blood or bodily fluids that can be infected.

15. Follow directions on all medications

When medicines are used incorrectly, either by taking too many, the wrong dose or by combining them, it can damage your liver. Alcohol should never be used in conjunction with other drugs or medications, even if they are not taken together. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking any over the counter medications, supplements, or natural or herbal products.

What are the best foods and drinks for the liver?

#Fatty fish

Eating fatty fish and taking fish oil supplements can help lower the risk of conditions like NAFLD. A study linked regular fish oil supplementation to a lower risk of liver cancer. Omega-3 fatty acids are good fats that help fight inflammation. They may be especially beneficial in the liver, where they may help prevent the accumulation of fats and maintain the levels of enzymes in the liver.

Omega 3 are good source of healthy liver
Omega 3 are good source of healthy liver


Oatmeal is a simple way to get fiber into your diet. Fiber plays an important role in digestion. The specific fibers found in oats could be especially beneficial for your liver. Oats and oats are rich in beta-glycoprotein compounds. According to a recent review, these compounds are very active in your body. They help regulate your immune system and combat inflammation. They may also help lower your risk of diabetes, obesity, and other health issues.


Berry polyphenols, found in many dark berries, may help protect your liver from damage, according to several animal studies. In a 2023 study, researchers found that polyphenols in blueberries and cranberries reduced liver damage in the liver of rats. Further, in another study suggested that blueberries may aid in the management of age-related liver diseases and dysfunction in rats, but further research is needed to determine how berries affect the liver in humans.


A recent study in 2022 found that grape skin and seeds contain a compound that reduces the severity of severe liver issues in rats, such as liver enlargement and inflammation, as well as fat buildups. Eating whole, seed-sown grapes is an easy way to incorporate these compounds into your diet.


Grapefruit is rich in naringin, one of the two primary antioxidants in the fruit. Naringin helps to reduce inflammation and protect the liver cells, and a 2019 study suggests naringin could help prevent alcohol-induced hepatitis by decreasing oxidative stress.


Ground coffee had the greatest effect on liver disease complications (CLLD), while Filtered, Instant, and Espresso all seemed to work. Many studies found that 3-4 cups of coffee per day offered the greatest protective effect. The protective effect may be due to the active ingredient in coffee. Drinking coffee regularly for long periods of time may have protective effects on liver enzymes in people with or without liver disease, as well as those with chronic alcohol use. Drinking a few cups a day may even slow down the progression of liver diseases (Fibrosis, Cirrhosis, etc.).

Coffee is good for your liver
Coffee is good for your liver

#Green tea

According to a recent research review, moderate green tea consumption is associated with lower levels of Low alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), both of which can increase as a result of liver injury. On rare occasions, green tea extract can cause an increase in ALT or AST, and in these cases, stopping the consumption of green tea extract usually resulted in liver recovery.

#Plant foods in general

According to a 2023 review, a plant-based diet is associated with a reduced risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and liver fat. The foods they classify as plant-based are: whole grains (whole wheat bread, whole grain couscous and brown rice) vegetables (carrots, broccoli and lettuce) nuts legumes (broad beans, peas and green beans) If possible, people should incorporate these foods into a balanced diet.


Easy way to protect your liver and reduce the risk of NAFLD is to eat nuts. Nuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids (UFA), vitamin E, and antioxidant compounds that may help protect your liver from NAFLD by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

#Olive oil

Fat is bad for your liver, but there are fats that can help. A 2019 study found that olive oil, which is part of the Mediterranean Diet, may reduce oxidative stress and enhance liver function. Olive oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids. However, there is limited clinical evidence on the benefits of olive oil for people with NAFLD.

Olive oil are best source of healthy liver
Olive oil are best source of healthy liver


Liver health is important for your overall health and wellbeing. Simple lifestyle changes like eating right, staying hydrated, exercising, and cleansing and detoxifying your liver can help support your liver health. You should also be aware of the symptoms of liver disease and seek medical advice from a liver specialist if needed. By caring for your liver, you can make sure it works properly and keeps your body healthy and strong.


What foods to avoid?

Generally, doctors will suggest a balanced diet for general health. However, certain foods and food groups can be more difficult for the liver to process. These foods may include:

  • Sugar: Cutting down on sugar and sugar-based foods — including cereals, cookies, and candy — can help reduce stress on your liver.
  • Salt: Some easy ways to reduce salt include eating out less, eating low-sodium canned meats or veggies, and reducing or eliminating salt from your diet.
  • Fatty foods: Fried foods, fast food, and takeout from many restaurants. Some packaged snacks and chips may be surprisingly high in fat.
  • Starchy foods: Low fiber, high-fiber breads, heavily processed breads, pasta, cakes, and other baked goods.
  • Alcohol: If you want to give your liver a break, you may want to consider reducing your alcohol intake or eliminating it from your diet.

What could possibly go wrong if liver fails?

Your liver may not be at the top of your list, but the moment it fails, you won’t have much else to occupy your time. Cirrhosis, in which the liver cells are replaced by scar tissue, can stop your liver from performing its vital functions. The same can be said for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NFLD), a rapidly developing epidemic among the obese that can lead to the development of cirrhosis. If your liver stops working, the toxins build up, you can’t digest food and your medications will never leave your body.

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