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Health benefits of cinnamon herb

Top 12 health benefits of Cinnamon herb

There are many health benefits of Cinnamon herb. It’s found in the bark of the tree called cinnamon, and it has a unique aroma and flavor. It’s used in a lot of different cuisines, from recipes to tea, snacks, cereals, and more. You can find it in fine powder or on sticks/rolls. It’s been used in Ayurvedic medicine for a long time. It’s the most popular and expensive commodity, so it’s also popular for preservation. Cinnamon has a unique flavor, aroma, and smell, and it’s sweet and really captivating. It’s a must-have spice that people around the world use every day.

This article review the top 12 health benefits of cinnamon herb, and other related information about it.


Cinnamon is used in a variety of ways. The various parts of the cinnamon tree are used to make various products like Cinnamon Peels, Cinnamon sticks, Leaf oil, Bark oil, Cinnamon powder, Air freshener, Cinnamon capsules, etc. Cinnamon is mainly composed of essential oils and other derivatives such as cinnamaldehyde. In addition to its antioxidant properties, cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties, anti-diabetic properties, antimicrobial properties, anticancer properties, anti-lipid-lowering properties, cardiovascular-disposing properties, neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, and many other health benefits. This spice is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Health benefits of cinnamon herb
Health benefits of cinnamon herb

What is cinnamon?

Cinnamon is a naturally occurring spice found in the bark of trees of the genus Cinnamomum. The most widely cultivated variety of cinnamon is known as “true” cinnamon, also known as “Ceylon cinnamon”, which is native to Sri Lanka and certain parts of India. It is renowned for its mellow, sweet aroma and is utilized in a wide range of culinary and medicinal contexts around the world.

What are Health Benefits of Cinnamon?

Cinnamon is a delicious spice, and being used in many forms around the world. It has lot of health benefits, some of which are listed below-

1. Reduces inflammation –

Cinnamon has compounds like cinnamaldehyde that help reduce swelling and stop blood platelets from sticking together. It can also help repair tissue damage and fight off infections. Eating cinnamon can help with headaches and other types of pain, like arthritis. It also helps with blood circulation and can help with pain over time.

2. Fight against diabetes –

Cinnamon has been found to have some potential benefits for diabetes, but if you have type 2 diabetes, it’s recommended to eat between 1 and 6 g of cinnamon daily to help control your blood sugar and regulate your metabolism. It also helps improve insulin sensitivity and helps keep your blood sugar levels in check. Plus, if you eat cinnamon daily, it can lower your blood pressure, which helps with type 2 diabetes. 

3. Useful for skin –

It is very helpful for the treatment of acne as it reduces the acne-causing bacteria. You can make an acne mask by mixing 3 tbsp of honey and 1 tbsp of ground cinnamon in a paste, leaving it on the skin for 10 min, and then washing it off. It helps our skin to be shiny and smooth. It also helps to prevent premature call aging. It protects the skin and makes it radiant and soft.

4. Contribute to weight loss –

Research has found that cinnamon consumption assists in fat burning, and it slow down weight gain if we consume cinnamon regularly in our diet in a variety of recipes. Cinnamon powder has high fiber content – consuming as little as one teaspoon can keep you feeling full for longer and helps meet our daily dietary fiber requirements. 

5. Stimulate the functioning of the immune system & brain –

It is rich in magnesium, iron, and calcium, which boosts the immune system, preventing flu, cold, or headaches. It also improves blood circulation and oxygen levels, which aids in the fight against infections. Its scent and active ingredients help in concentration and memory because it has a positive impact on the brain and its functioning.

6. Relieves difficult digestion –

This product has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral and antiseptic properties that help to reduce intestinal flora infection. Additionally, it assists the body in combating digestive issues, relieving heartburn and alleviating nausea. Furthermore, it facilitates digestion and the expulsion of gases, thereby alleviating bloating issues and calming intestinal and stomach spasms.

7. Reduce the cholesterol levels –

Numerous studies have shown that a small amount of cinnamon useful to reduce the level of bad cholesterol LDL in the body that reduces the risk of heart diseases. It can also be helpful to maintain good cardiovascular health by promoting blood circulation, and reducing inflammation of the blood vessels.

8. Serves with antioxidants –

Cinnamon is rich in powerful antioxidants, including polyphenols, which can cause oxidative stress in the body. This can lead to cell damage and the development of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, due to its antioxidant properties. Additionally, cinnamon has been found to act as a natural preservative for food.

9. Reduce the risk of cancer –

It has anti-cancerous properties, and it prevents the growth of cancer cells and formation of blood vessels in tumors. Many studies have found that daily consumption of cinnamon is very effective for the protection against certain cancer cells, such as colon, lymphoma and leukemia cancer. 

10. Reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease –

Cinnamon has a neuro-protective that helps neurons and improves motor function, and its compounds prevent the development of a protein named-tau in the brain, it is one of the trademarks of Alzheimer’s disease.

11. Helps fight fungal infections –

Cinnamaldehyde is the main active ingredient in cinnamon, which could help fight off different types of infections. The essential oil in the bark has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, which can help treat respiratory tract infections. It’s also known to help prevent tooth decay and bad breath.

12. Eliminate bad breath and cavities –

Conventionally it has been used in many cultures as a remedy for dental pain, and for acting against bad breath. Dental pain can be calmed by using small piece of cinnamon, and also can be useful in gargling to inhibit bad breath.

Cinnamon herb good for overall health
Cinnamon herb good for overall health

Other health benefits:

  • Relieves menstrual pains – The essential oil of cinnamon can reduce and relieve menstrual pain by applying it on the belly with a warm compress.
  • Helps reduce the risk of heart disease – By consumption of half a teaspoon or one gram of Cinnamon powder daily, LDL cholesterol can be reduced, and HDL cholesterol can be increased. 
  • Beneficial for the hairs – It can be helpful by stimulating hair growth and reducing the fragility of the hair, and therefore prevent hair fall, and it is helpful to fight against dandruff.

How Cinnamon herb can be used?

Below are the best ways to use cinnamon to give enough health benefits:

1. Cinnamon tea

Boil water in a pan, add two spoonful’s of Cinnamon powder into the water and let it simmer, let water turns red/brown, filter it and drink without added sugar. If prefer, you can add a little honey to it.

2. Cinnamon and Apple Cider Vinegar

Boil water in a pan, add an inch of cinnamon stick into it, simmer the mixture till it turns brown, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and honey for a dash of sweetness (it is effective to consume both cinnamon and honey for weight loss), add some ice to drink it cold or drink as it is.

Cinnamon tea good for health
Cinnamon tea good for health

Some more methods to use Cinnamon:

  • Buy Cinnamon Sticks and Make Cinnamon Powder at home, use this powder in a small amounts (1 teaspoon a day) with soup, fresh juice, or any other food daily.
  • You can also add Cinnamon Quills to your Soup, Coffee, or tea (Add it while making the coffee. Remove when you drink it).
  • Home Made Cinnamon Powder can be used with Bee Honey.

What are side-effects of Cinnamon?

Cinnamon may have following side effects:

If any person is allergic to cinnamon, or overdose:

  • A rise in blood pressure
  • Heart palpitations
  • Liver disease
  • An increase in the heart rate

Excess consumption for weight loss:

  • Stomach ache
  • Nausea
  • Skin rashes
  • Sneezing
  • Asthma

Due to strong effects on reducing blood sugar:

  • People in cure for the regulation of blood sugar
  • People taking medication to reduce blood sugar levels
  • People taking anticoagulant medications

If you notice any of the above-mentioned side effects, kindly stop and consult a medical professional.

Is cinnamon safe for consumption during pregnancy?

Cinnamon is generally safe to consume during pregnancy when consumed in typical dietary amounts. However, taking too many cinnamon supplements or cinnamon flavored products can result in a high intake of coumarin, which can be damaging to the developing foetus. Therefore, it is recommended that pregnant women use cinnamon in moderation and consult with their health care provider to ensure that their dietary habits match their specific health requirements during pregnancy.

Cinnamon herb has a unique aroma and flavor
Cinnamon herb has a unique aroma and flavor


Cinnamon is one of the most useful and nutritious spices on the planet. It has been proven to be very effective for various health benefits, such as, diabetes, cholesterol control, weight loss, etc. Scientifically, it has been shown that a daily intake of small amounts of cinnamon will help you to prevent diseases and live a healthy life. Nutritional profile of cinnamon 1.4 grams fiber 1.5 grams calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin K, Antioxidants to get real benefits from cinnamon, we should buy cinnamon sticks. We can grind them into powder and enjoy the fresh aroma and taste of cinnamon with all essential health benefits.


What are the health benefits of cinnamon?

Cinnamon has several health benefits. For example, it may help reduce blood sugar levels and enhance insulin sensitivity, which is beneficial for type 2 diabetes. Cinnamon also contains antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties that support overall health. It has also been studied to help with weight management and heart health. However, it is important to use cinnamon in moderation and as part of a healthy diet. Consult your doctor for personalized advice.

How do you use cinnamon in cooking and baking?

Cinnamon is one of the most versatile spices you’ll find in your kitchen. It can be ground and added to a bunch of different dishes, like stews, curry, and chili, to give them a nice, earthy taste. And if you’re looking for something to add to your baking, cinnamon is a great choice. You can ground it or use cinnamon sticks to infuse it into things like milk and apple cider. Just make sure you use it sparingly, though, because it can really overpower other ingredients.

Are there different types of cinnamon, and what are the differences?

There are two main types of cinnamon – Ceylon and Cassia. Ceylon cinnamon is usually called “true” cinnamon and is known for its sweet, sweet taste. Cassia cinnamon is bolder and has a more intense taste, and is more popular in North America. But the main difference between the two is the coumarin content – Cassia has more of it, which can be dangerous if it’s too high.

Can cinnamon help with weight loss or blood sugar control?

Cinnamon could be a great way to help you manage your weight and keep your blood sugar in check. There’s some evidence that it can help boost insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. But it’s not the only thing that can help you lose weight – it’s part of a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. If you have diabetes or are thinking about taking cinnamon supplements, it’s best to talk to your doctor first.

What are some cinnamon substitutes in recipes?

If you’re trying to find a way to replace cinnamon in your recipes, you can try substituting for cinnamon with other spices like nutmeg or allspice. Cloves and cardamom can also be used, but they’ll give your dish a slightly different, but complementary, flavor. It all depends on your recipe and what you like best, so don’t be afraid to try something new!

How can cinnamon be used as a natural remedy for common ailments?

Cinnamon is a natural remedy that can help with a range of common health issues. It can help ease stomach issues and gas or bloating if you take it as a tea or add it to food. It can also help with the common cold since it can give you a warming feeling and has antioxidants that can help with your overall health. But it’s important to talk to a doctor first if you’re using cinnamon for any health issues.

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