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Foods to naturally cleanse your kidneys

Best foods to naturally cleanse your kidneys

There are several foods information you need to know about detoxing and cleanse your kidneys. It looks easy, but it’s not. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but there are a few things you can do to help your kidneys filter better. There are also different ways to help your kidneys work better, plus the nutritional benefits of some foods and drinks. And if you have a key nutrient deficiency, you might even want to consider taking supplements.

Here’s what you need to know best foods to naturally cleanse your kidneys, including the risks and considerations.

What is the function of kidneys?

The kidneys are responsible for filtering blood, removing toxins, and balancing electrolytes, as well as promoting bone health. It is common for air conditioning filters to become clogged with pollutants over time, necessitating their cleaning or replacement. While your kidneys may appear to be a filter, they are actually composed of blood vessels, and do not function in the same way as a typical filter.

How to manage kidney health?

Most people are born with at least two kidneys, but you only need one working properly to live a healthy life. That’s why if you’re healthy, you can donate a kidney and it won’t take away half of your kidney’s function. It’ll just build up and do the job of two kidneys. You need to take care of your kidneys, and there are lots of ways to do that. But if you let your kidneys get damaged over time, it’s not always your fault. Some people have certain diseases, like lupus or diabetes, at an early age, and they can cause kidney disease. But most kidney disease is preventable or can be managed at least.

Why are the kidneys so important?

Your kidney is made up of two small, oval-shaped organs, the cortex and the medulla. They are about 6cm long and 12cm wide. Most people have two kidneys, located at either the end of the spine or in the back. They do many different things for us, such as cleaning up waste and excess water, making urine, regulating blood pressure, adjusting pH, filtering proteins, and getting rid of toxins left behind by the liver. They are constantly in motion, taking in more than 200 liters of blood and filtering through 2 liters of waste and water per minute.

This waste removal process is very important because if we don’t, toxins can enter our bloodstream and bloodstream can become toxic and cause organ damage. Furthermore, all this water and waste put strain on our blood vessels. 

Why you should cleanse your kidneys?

It’s important to get rid of toxins and waste in your body for a variety of reasons. For example, it can help your kidneys work better and reduce bloating. It can also help your body process food, absorb nutrients, and turn food into energy, which can help you stay energized. Plus, it can help prevent infection and lower the risk of bladder problems. Finally, it can help reduce the risk of kidney stones, balance hormones, and stop skin from breaking out.

Foods to naturally cleanse your kidneys
Foods to naturally cleanse your kidneys

Best foods to naturally cleanse your kidneys:

There are specific foods that are known to detoxify your kidneys and support kidney health. Below, I’ll list some of the foods that I’m aware of as ingredients in many kidney detoxes/cleanses. Although I think a lot of the information out there is simplistic, I will explain which foods and which ingredients are beneficial for kidney health.


1. Apples

Apples are a great source of fiber, which helps your body get rid of toxins before they can be absorbed by your digestive system. Plus, they’re great for reducing inflammation and cholesterol levels. Fiber is also known to help unclog your arteries naturally, which can help your kidneys filter better. That’s why apples are so popular in detoxes and cleanses.

2. Watermelon

Regular consumption of watermelon is beneficial for the health of the kidneys due to its hydration and cleansing properties. Additionally, its lycopene content is beneficial for cardiovascular health and kidney function. Furthermore, watermelon is rich in potassium salts, which help to regulate urinary acidity and prevent stone formation. Therefore, consuming watermelon regularly can be beneficial for the kidneys.

3. Oranges

Oranges are a great food for your kidneys because they’re packed with vitamin C, potassium, and other nutrients. Just keep in mind that if you’re already on dialysis, or have a kidney condition, it’s important to keep an eye on your potassium levels.

4. Bananas

Bananas are a common ingredient in kidney cleans and detoxes. They’re also a good food for promoting kidney health, but it’s important to be careful since they’re high in potassium. If you already have chronic kidney disease or have advanced kidney disease, it’s best to talk to your doctor or dietician about how much potassium to take.

5. Pomegranate

Pomegranate juice and seeds contain high amounts of potassium, which helps to reduce urinary acidity, prevent stone formation due to its astringency, reduce mineral crystallization, and flush toxins and waste out of the kidneys.

6. Strawberries

Strawberries are a great source of potassium, which can help lower blood pressure, soften the skin, and make them really yummy. They can also be a great addition to smoothies or juices, but make sure you check with your doctor to make sure you’re getting the right amount of potassium.

7. Berries

Berries are a great choice for those looking for a low-calorie snack that’s packed with antioxidants, phytonutrients, and anti-inflammatory properties. Some of them, like cranberries, even have a calming effect on your urinary system and can help protect your kidneys from infection. Raspberries, in particular, are great for protecting and cleaning your kidneys, and they also have ellagic acid, which has been shown to help prevent kidney disease and certain cancers. Plus, they’re packed with vitamin C and fiber, as well as folate, manganese, and tartness.

8. Grapes  

Grapes are packed with vitamins C and vitamin K, which can help keep your kidneys healthy. Plus, they’re packed with fiber and minerals like copper, magnesium, and manganese.

9. Dates

When dates soak for 24 hours in water and then consume them after removing the seeds, they dissolve and flush out the kidney stones. Dates are high in fiber, which helps to prevent kidney stones from forming. The magnesium in dates also helps to cleanse the kidneys.

Vegetables good for kidneys
Vegetables good for kidneys


1. Leafy greens

Leafy green leafy vegetables are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Carotenoids, Flavonoids, and other nutrients that help support kidney function. Greens are rich in Vitamin C, Folate, Fiber, Vitamin K, and a variety of other nutrients that help reduce stress on your kidneys, lower your blood pressure, help balance your blood sugar levels, and fight inflammation. If you’re looking to add more green leafy vegetables to your diet, include Mustard greens, Dandelion leaves, Turnip greens, Dandelion, especially increase urine production, which helps clean out your kidneys and lowers your blood pressure.

2. Cilantro and parsley

Mixing cilantro and parsley together is a healthy way to detox your kidneys, you’ll find in a lot of your recipes. They won’t do you any harm, but when you mix them with water and lemon, it as magic. There are other things you should be doing to keep your kidneys healthy.

3. Celery

Celery has been identified as a beneficial food for kidneys due to its alkaline properties, which may help to reduce fluid build-up in the kidneys. Additionally, it contains coumarins, which may increase vascular flow, and is rich in vitamins such as vitamin D, C, and K. Therefore, celery may be beneficial for the long-term health of the kidneys.

4. Red peppers

Red bell peppers contain a low amount of potassium, which can be detrimental to those with kidney disease. However, they also contain a significant amount of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Fiber, and Lycopene. Vitamin C plays a key role in the body’s energy production, circulation, and metabolism, and is an antioxidant. Additionally, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B6 are essential components of red blood cell formation. Finally, Lycopene is an antioxidant that helps to protect the kidneys and delay the onset of renal failure.

5. Carrots

Carrots are a nutrient-rich food that can be beneficial for the health of kidneys. However, carrots can be beneficial in the long-term in terms of helping to improve kidney filter function. Carrots contain a variety of antioxidants and are beneficial for inflammation.

6. Spinach and kale

Spinach and kale, both really beneficial for your kidneys. Not only does it have a strong flavor, but it’s packed with iron, folate, vitamins, and potassium – all of which can help lower your blood pressure and improve your kidney health. Plus, it’s packed with beta carotene and antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation. So, if you’re looking to detox or cleanse your kidneys, adding spinach and kale to your diet is a great way to do it.

7. Cabbage

Cabbage is packed with all the good stuff you need to keep your blood sugar levels in check. The fiber helps slow down how much of the nutrients are absorbed, so your liver and kidneys have more time to handle the influx of blood into your body. Plus, it helps flush out toxins from your digestive system. And it’s packed with vitamins and minerals that help keep your blood clotting healthy.

8. Garlic

Allicin is a naturally occurring organic sulfur compound found in garlic, onions, and shallots. It is also found in chives, leeks, and other vegetables. Allicin has powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, blood pressure, and antioxidant properties.

9. Cauliflower and broccoli

Cauliflower florets are packed with vitamins C and folate, are high in fiber, and have anti-inflammatory properties. These cruciferous vegetables are great for you when your kidneys are healthy or just slow. However, they should be avoided if you have severe kidney problems or gout.

10. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a great way to help keep your kidneys healthy. They’re low in sodium and potassium, which help keep your blood pressure in check and reduce the risk of damage to your kidneys. Plus, they’re packed with antioxidants that fight oxidative stress, which can lead to kidney diseases. And their anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation and improve overall kidney function.

11. Asparagus

Asparagus is a great source of fiber that can help lower your blood pressure and make your kidneys and bladder cleaner. It also helps break down uric acid, which can help prevent kidney disease. If you already have kidney disease, it’s important to be careful when eating asparagus, as it’s packed with potassium and phosphorus.

12. Ginger

Ginger has been around for centuries as a digestive aid, and it’s been proven to help protect the kidneys from harm caused by dehydration, alcohol, and diabetes. Thyme has also been found to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, which is great for the kidneys since high blood pressure can really affect them. Ginger and thyme could even work together to increase the kidneys’ defense.  

13. Turmeric

Turmeric is an active ingredient found in black pepper. The active compound in black pepper is piperine, and when combined with turmeric, the active compound curcumin, it forms a powerful compound. Both compounds have powerful anti-inflammatory effects and can also help in digestion. Turmeric is closely related to ginger, and its high potassium content is related to ginger, which protects the kidneys from damage. However, it is not recommended for people with kidney disease due to the potassium content.

14. Lemons

Lemons are a great choice for detox because they’re packed with vitamins C and citrate, which can help your immune system fight off infections and keep you healthy for longer. That’s why lots of people take extra vitamins when they’re sick. Citrate is also good for your kidneys, so if you’re prone to kidney stones, taking it could help reduce your risk. Check out my video on kidney stones after we finish this article. Plus, lemon water is a great way to help your kidneys filter out toxins.

C-Other foods:

1. Honey

You know that diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, but when you’re making smoothies and juices that are good for your kidneys, honey will be right choice for sweet. If you’re looking for a natural sweetener, honey is a great choice.

Olive oil helps kidneys health
Olive oil helps kidneys health

2. Olive oil

Olive oil is an excellent source of essential fatty acids, such as oleic acid, which are known to have anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering properties. Additionally, olive oil is phosphorus-free, making it a great option for those seeking to reduce their cholesterol levels.

3. Dark-colored colas

Consumption of dark-colored colas may contain sugar, calories that are not counted, and ingredients that contain phosphorus. Healthy kidneys are capable of eliminating phosphorus from the body, however, if a person has chronic kidney disease, their kidneys are unable to effectively remove excess phosphorus, which can lead to harm to the body.

4. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps protect your kidneys from oxidative stress. It boosts antioxidant levels in your body, keeps blood sugar in check, and lowers blood pressure to create optimal kidney health conditions. Citric acid in apple cider vinegar helps break down kidney stones. Taking apple cider vinegar often helps flush out toxins from your kidneys.

5. Kidney Beans

Kidney beans are just like your kidneys, but they’re also great for getting rid of waste and toxins and getting rid of kidney stones. Plus, they’re packed with Vitamin B, fiber, and a bunch of minerals that help keep your kidneys clean and help your bladder work well.

6. Basil

Basil is a diuretic that helps to remove kidney stones. It also helps to improve kidney function. It also reduces uric acid levels in the blood and helps to improve kidney health. The essential oils and the acetic acid in Basil help to break down the kidney stones and make them easier to remove.

7. Dandelion

Eating tea made with dried organic Dandelion or fresh Dandelion root (taken from the ground) cleanses the kidneys. Dandelion is not only a kidney tonic but also stimulates the production of bile to improve digestion and reduce the amount of waste that reaches the kidneys.

8. Calcium-rich foods  

A low calcium diet can increase the risk of kidney stones. Eating calcium-rich foods (milk, yoghurt, and some cheese) along with foods rich in oxalate increases your chances of passing kidney stones. Calcium and oxalate bind together in your stomach and intestines prior to entering your kidneys, reducing your chances of passing a kidney stone.

How to cleanse the kidneys?

The following strategies may assist the kidneys in eliminating harmful substances from the body, thereby enhancing renal health and decreasing the likelihood of kidney disease.

Drink water helps kidneys health
Drink water helps kidneys health

1. Drink water

For most people, they need to drink about 2 to 3 liters of water a day. A 16-ounce bottle of water is about 4 to 6 liters a day. In general, keeping your body hydrated helps your kidneys filter water better.

2. Low sodium diet

It is not recommended to consume a diet high in sodium, as this can result in elevated blood pressure which is the second leading cause of renal failure.

3. Maintain normal blood pressure

Achieving a healthy blood pressure and reducing excess pressure in the glomerular filtration rate (GLRT) or kidney cells is another method of optimizing renal function.

4. Maintain a healthy body weight

If you’re overweight or dealing with obesity, it’s important to talk to your doctor or dietician. You want to stay at a healthy weight or as close to it as possible. Even if you struggle and try to diet and exercise, even if you’re not as skinny or thin as you’d like, don’t stress. But be aware that if you’re living with obesity, it puts you at risk for kidney disease.

5. Prevent diabetes

It is essential to prevent or manage diabetes if diagnosed, as it is the leading cause of renal failure. Therefore, it is important to consult with a physician to determine the results of an A1C test to determine if pre-diabetes, diabetes, or diabetes are present. Preventing or managing diabetes is a key factor in improving the renal function.

6. Exercise

Exercise is no big secret. The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week for most people. That’s about 5 days of 30 minutes a day. Exercising can help you:

  • Have that normal blood pressure that we talked about before.
  • Prevent diabetes or manage diabetes.
  • Get to that healthy weight.
  • Exercise can also help your kidneys filter better.

What food items should you limit in kidney disease?

If you have kidney disease, many of the foods that you would normally eat as part of a balanced diet may not be suitable for you. Your doctor may suggest that you limit certain foods, such as:

Salt – Avoid too much salt foods, like tomatoes, oranges, bananas, potatoes, avocados, broccoli, and whole grains. 

Potassium – avoid eating foods with potassium, like apples, strawberries, cabbage, and cucumbers.

Protein – consuming too much protein can lead to increased pressure on the kidneys, which can worsen kidney disease. Reduce certain foods such as meat, seafood, and dairy products.

Phosphorus – the excess amount of phosphorus in the blood, can weaken bones and lead to damage to the heart, arteries, and eyes, potentially resulting in cardiovascular disease. Hence reduce phosphorus intake daily.

Calcium -Additionally, calcium should be avoided, as foods high in calcium can also be high in phosphorus.

Fluids: In general, it is essential to maintain a steady level of body fluid. However, in the early stages of kidney disease, it is necessary to restrict fluid intake. As damaged kidneys are unable to eliminate excess fluid, excessive fluid can be hazardous to health. Therefore, it is important to limit the consumption of certain foods that are high in water, including ice cream, gelatine, melon, and grapes.. 

Depending on your kidney disease stage, your doctor will tell you to limit your intake of potassium, phosphorous, and protein.

What fruit is bad for kidneys?

If your kidneys are in good shape, you won’t have to worry about eating too many fruits. But if you have kidney disease or damaged kidneys, it can lead to your body having too much waste and toxic stuff in your blood. Eating foods that are too salty, too high in potassium, or too high in phosphorus can also damage your kidneys, so you need to make sure you’re eating foods that don’t contain those compounds. Avoid fruits like bananas, avocado, citrus fruits, prunes, and oranges.

Risks and considerations

If you’re considering a kidney cleanse or detox, it’s important to know that there’s not a lot of scientific proof to back up the claims. In fact, the FDA has already taken action against some cleanse and detox companies because they made misleading claims about their products, or had ingredients that were either illegal or harmful. Plus, drinking too much water can really mess with your body’s mineral levels, which can lead to serious health issues like swelling in your brain.

And a lot of these programs make you fast or cut back on calories, which can make you feel tired, have headaches, and not have enough nutrients. Talk to your doctor before you do a cleanse, and make sure you eat enough to help your metabolism.


If you’re a healthy person, you don’t need to flush your kidneys to keep them healthy. But if you have a kidney problem, it’s important to talk to your doctor before trying a cleanse. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids, eat a healthy diet, and keep your blood pressure in check. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to kidney detox, but it’s important to optimize your kidney health for a variety of reasons.


What are symptoms of kidney disease?

If you’re dealing with dry, itchy skin, frequent urination, tiredness or lack of energy, blood in your urine, or swollen feet and ankles, it’s time to take action. Diabetes and high blood pressure are two of the biggest causes of kidney disease, and both of these conditions can damage the tiny nephrons in your kidneys. Each kidney is made up of around half a million nephrons, and they work by bringing back needed substances and getting rid of waste.

Maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce the risk of developing these health issues, and it can also help support optimal kidney health. Unfortunately, there are other factors that can lead to kidney failure, like autoimmune diseases, genetics, infections, poison, and physical abuse

What are causes of kidney failure?

Diabetes and high blood pressure are the two biggest causes of kidney failure. But there are other things that can cause kidney failure, like being dehydrated or taking certain toxins from medicines that can be harmful. Eating a healthy diet can help your kidneys filter better, but it’s not a quick fix, like de-clogging or detoxing. It’s a long-term process.

What are causes and symptoms of kidney stones?

Kidney stones can be caused by a variety of things, including dehydration, too much acidic urine, infections in the urinary tract, and a build-up of waste and toxin in the kidneys. Symptoms of kidney stones can include:

  • Intense lower back pain,
  • Pain in the abdomen or urinary tract,
  • Sharp, mild, or excruciating pain,
  • Severe nausea or vomiting,
  • A constant urge to go to the bathroom, and
  • Constant sweating or chills.

Symptoms vary depending on how large the stones are, but constant pain and side pain is a good sign for kidney stones and should be seen by your urologist right away. Fortunately, kidney stones can be easily treated if diagnosed early.

What are the best foods to naturally cleanse the kidneys?

If you want your kidneys to do their job naturally, the best things to eat are foods that don’t have too much sodium and are packed with antioxidants. Berry juice, leafy green veggies, and veggies from cruciferous plants are all great sources of antioxidants. Plus, if you’re looking to keep your kidneys hydrated, try adding some watermelon or cucumber to your diet to help keep your kidneys healthy.

How can I incorporate kidney-cleansing foods into my daily diet?

You can easily add kidney-friendly foods to your diet by making smoothies with fresh berries and green veggies in the morning, eating salads with lots of colorful veggies in the afternoon, and eating lean protein like fish, tofu, and steamed broccoli with cauliflower in the evening. You can also snack on nuts and seeds for a healthy snack throughout the day.

Are there specific fruits and vegetables that support kidney health?

Yes, Fruits and vegetables have been linked to kidney health. For example, blueberries and strawberries are high in antioxidants, which may help protect your kidneys. Leafy greens like spinach and kale contain magnesium and vitamin C, which are important for kidney health and overall health.

What foods should I avoid to protect my kidneys?

It is recommended to reduce dietary intake of foods high in sodium in order to protect the kidneys. Excessive salt intake can increase blood pressure and put strain on the kidneys. Furthermore, restricting processed foods, consuming sugary drinks, and consuming a high-protein diet can help to maintain kidney health by reducing the risk of developing kidney stones and reducing the burden on the kidneys.

Can you provide a sample meal plan for a kidney-friendly diet? A meal plan that’s good for your kidneys should include lean proteins like chicken or fish, lots of fresh veggies like broccoli and peppers, and grains like brown rice and quinoa. Make sure to limit your portions, cut down on sodium, and drink plenty of water to keep your kidneys healthy. Talk to a dietitian or health care professional to create a meal plan that’s tailored to your needs.

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